Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Checking Out

So, I had a conversation awhile back that I felt compelled to share with you...

I ran into an old work acquaintance at my niece's t-ball game one Saturday, I had since left that job to pursue other interests (sleeping in, making my own hours, not answering to anyone, freedom, etc.),
He was still working for the same company, watching it go belly side up due to the 'economy'.

He asked what I was doing with my life these days since I left the daily grind and I handed him a brief answer of "Running my on-line business and spending time with my family"
See, I knew if I told him the extended answer, he would have had more to say than I wanted to hear at that moment.

He then began to tell me of a friend of his who quit his job and did all kinds of crazy shit.. his exact words were "He checked out".

My acquaintance then began to tell me how, after he left his job, this friend proceeded to go vegan and about how much of a nightmare it was even going out to dinner with this guy who could eat nothing but rabbit food (at this point I am giggling in my head because I had gone RAW Vegan and was imagining his reaction to having to go to dinner with me bahaha).

Well, if all this wasn't enough, this guy, he said, then decided he was going to live on a beach on a friend's property in their tree house! The horror!

"Yeah, whatta wack job!"

I heard myself uttering these words knowing full well that most people I know consider me to be a bit of a wack job.

What I wanted to say....

"So you're telling me that somebody who wakes up and realizes he doesn't want to line somebody else's pockets, who realizes their body needs more natural fuel and less garbage, who wants to be closer to nature, & who decides that living the American Dream isn't what we are born striving for as human BE-ings, is crazy?"

I will tell you what is crazy in my opinion:

  • Medicating our children because they can't sit still long enough to pay attention to crap that would make anyone nuts instead of ditching the burgers, fries, soda and chips and finding each individual's talents, passions, and gifts
  • Giving children narcotic pain meds creating serious future addictions (heroin addiction is one)
  • Forcing parents to give children vaccines laden with mercury, aluminum, lead, formaldehyde, etc. instead of the way immunizations were created to be given (to simply prevent disease)
  • Going to public school for 12 years to learn how to memorize useless mathematical theorems and dates of wars, how to dissect a frog, and president's birthdays instead of giving children hands on skills that will be useful all their lives (planting a garden, building with wood, love without prejudice, kindness, charity, meditation, self love)
  • Attending college to get a degree in something you will never use because you were told you had to go to college or you will starve, then be in debt for the next 20 years paying for said degree (FOLLOW YOUR PASSION)
  • Taking any job you can find to make ends meet (paying off your credit cards you maxed out in college, student loans, car, mortgage and taxes, saving for your children's college funds, etc.)
  • Working your life away to make someone else's dream a reality instead of pursuing your own talents, passions, gifts
  • Ending up on 12 different medications for diabetes, heart disease, depression and anxiety due to the standard American diet of burger, fries, soda and chips (stuffing down unfulfilled dreams)
  • Finding it necessary to drink a pot of coffee to simply function
  • Reading the newspaper every morning and watching the evening news to get the daily dose of propagandized hogwash
  • Watch television to dumb-down and escape 'reality'
  • Taking sleeping pills before bed to knock yourself out
  • Repeat....
  • Raising your children to follow the same path you did.... cause it worked out so nicely for you???
  • If you're lucky you get to take a vacation once or twice a year and maybe end up at the beach?
While you're on your 1 week break, say hello to the guy that checked out, he lives on the beach.

I don't live on the beach (yet), but I do eat a mostly raw plant-based diet, I meditate, visualize my future, listen to inspirational audio and video, and I sold all of my large belongings and bought a 30 year old RV to live in full-time! 
My sole income is from my on-line business which is driven by my passion to help others. It is my goal to travel and live as off-grid as possible! 
I am learning to create the life I desire and to love myself for the first time in my life.

This may not sound like an ideal life to you, and it shouldn't.
This post isn't to knock anyone's lifestyle, simply to make one question whether or not we are blindly following the (m)asses because we feel there is no other choice, or if we are truly living to our fullest potential.

As for me, I'm checking out.


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