Monday, May 25, 2015

YOUniversal Law

Everything that comes into our awareness through one or more of our 5 senses is only tangible to us because we are vibrating on its frequency.

If sadness, elation, anger, pain, love, hurt, awe, or abundance is the feeling of the day, it is simply a reflection.

Life is a mirror. Observe. Focus inward. Vibrate what you wish to sense.

Saturday, May 23, 2015


Just a little something I threw together today as I had a craving for pizza!

I always have a baggie of baby bella mushrooms marinating in lemon juice sitting in the fridge, so this morning I threw them in the dehydrator (sans stems), 120 for about 3 hours

I had some raw hummus on hand as well (raw, soaked sunflower seeds, one large zucchini, and spices whizzed in the Vitamix)

I simply spread a little hummus on each mushroom cap, sprinkled a tiny nutritional yeast, topped with a fresh piece of basil, and half a cherry tomato.... you won't  believe the flavor explosion!!!

You're welcome ;)


I don't know about you, but I crave sweets, A LOT!
Eating a mostly HCLFRV diet, I do eat a lot of fruit, so this doesn't happen as often as when I was eating SAD, but sometimes I want something that feels naughty!

So, how does this one grab ya??
A Whipped Caramel Dipping Sauce that is totally fruit based, and no overt fats??!!!
Yeah, me too ;) RIGHT by the taste buds

This one starts with these lovely Khadrawy and Halawi dates that i bought at 7 Hot Dates
They are ooey and gooey and moist, but you could also use a harder date if you first soak them over night
These are tiny, about the size of the top section of my thumb, and I used about 25 of them (don't forget to take the pits out) which I tossed into my blender

I peeled this gorgeously ripe medium-sized banana and tossed that into the blender for that whipped, creamy texture!

I would rather use coconut water straight from a young thai coconut, but this works in a pinch ;)
I used 4 ounces as my liquid and a little bit of a sweet/salty flavor to add to the mix

I chose to add a teaspoon of ground cinnamon, but you could also add some pumpkin pie spice for something different, you could even add some vanilla too!

I then used the pulse setting on my blender to whip all of the creamy, dreamy, yummy ingredients into a frothy whip like this!

So, I needed something to dip into the Caramel Whip (not really, fingers would have done just fine)
These two beauties are called Pinata apples and they are sweet with a nice yellowish color to the inside
I sliced them up with the aid of my apple corer

Then I plated them up to look all pretty to share with you :)
Almost like a flower, the presentation was so beautiful, I ALMOST didn't want to eat them!

But I did ;)
I ate the whole entire dish of Whipped Caramel, and both apples!
When eating something like this you wanna eat slow so your tummy has time to digest, so you don't get a belly ache!
You could also share them....

I used CRONOMETER to figure the nutritional breakdown of the entire recipe:

  • CALORIES 632
  • PROTEIN 5.7 grams
  • FAT 1.1 grams
This lovely recipe is also high in fiber, Manganese, Copper, Magnesium, Potassium, Cystine, and lots of other nutrients!

I hope you enjoy this recipe as much as I did!!