Sunday, February 19, 2012

A Beginners Guide To YOU And Your Universe

~~Start every day with the intention to find miracles and beauty in every melodious sound heard, every delicious scent smelled, every morsel tasted, every lovely sight beheld, and every satiny touch to your skin...
~~Take some time every day to close your eyes, breathe in and out deeply, and silence your mind for any period of time. This allows you to re-focus your energy in the here-and-now and it works better than a reset button...
~~Smile, a lot! Laugh, because life is fun and funny and not supposed to be taken too seriously! Always find ways to keep yourself in the best mood possible! When you are in a positive vibration, you are attracting a positive life experience! If you start to feel a negative emotion, realign yourself with who you really are at the deepest, most spiritual level, by hitting your reset button...
~~Always consider every person you meet as an individual as you are but also regard them as a part of you, we all originate from the same beautiful, creative source and all affect one another profoundly! Refrain from judgement, knowing each has their own journey...
~~Guide others if they ask for your guidance, but otherwise just lend a helping hand, or a listening ear, or a shoulder to cry on. Always trust others to be responsible for their own choices and consequences on their personal journeys...
~~Relinquish all thoughts, needs, or desires to control or manipulate anybody or anything in your surroundings. Simply go within your mind, affirm your intentions, let go and trust... all that displeases you in your life can be affected without worry or interference...
~~ Know that YOU are a powerful creator and can have, or be, or do anything you can conjure up in your mind! Anything! You need only to have faith and keep yourself in a good positive vibration for receiving...
~~Follow your inner guidance system by paying close attention to strong feelings and instincts concerning the choices you make...You have a built in GPS! Use it...
~~Lastly, but absolutely, unequivocally the most important of all actions, is LOVE! Love sweetly, love dearly, love completely, love unreservedly, and love unconditionally! Love every person you meet, every bud on every tree, every animal that scurries across your path, every ladybug who lands on your blouse....and most of all love yourself! YOU are the center of your universe, and all of this depends on YOU!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Your Thoughts Today Are The Paints On Your Canvas Of Tomorrow

Every single one of us is an artist expressing ourselves through our surroundings!
Look around you at this very you like what you see??
Do you realize that all you are looking at is the manifestation of your thoughts from yesterday?
Do you understand that you have complete control over what you will experience tomorrow?
What is your greatest desire?
What is the one thing you want to accomplish in life that you always keep in the back of your mind for fear of failure?
Whatever your answers are to these questions, you need to know that YOU are truly are in complete control of your destiny!
Your every thought brings about emotions that creates energy, and then draws to it more energy like itself, so why not start right now and think better thoughts to make a better tomorrow??
Think of your thoughts as paints, and tomorrow as the canvas...create a picture in your mind of just what you would like your life to be and voila! You are the Michelangelo in the art gallery of all your days to come!
Paint yourself into your dream job, relationship, or home! Design your ideal life one thought at a time!
Just as with any art form, practice is needed to perfect your art, so if you look around you tomorrow and decide you don't like what you see, experiment with some shading or some new paintbrushes! Personally, some of my favorite colors to paint on my canvas are love, gratitude, and faith. The paintbrushes I use the most are meditation and visualization. You can always switch it up a little bit, add a new color here and there, or maybe you want to start with a fresh canvas!
Either way it is completely up to you!
Happy painting!

"The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short; but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark." ~~Michelangelo

Oh Naturale! Lets Get Back To Nature!

So, recently, I have done a lot of researching about all of the chemicals and pesticides and poisons we are ingesting in our bodies on a daily basis and it is nothing short of scary!

I never really thought about it before.

From a young age, we are trained through habits of our parents, television commercials, and societal norms to think that all of the products for "cleansing" and "health and beauty" that we use are not only safe, but necessary!

What a load of crap! They are poisoning our bodies and aging us prematurely!

A simple rule of thumb to follow with anything we put in or on our bodies is, If you can't read it, pronounce it, find its origin in nature, DO NOT consume it or place it on your body!

Everything we use for "hygiene" or medicinal purposes on the outside of our body is absorbed through the skin from our household cleansers to our shampoo to our toothpaste to our lotions to our topical medications.

All of these toxins and poisons do not just exit through our natural excretions, but are stored in our cells and organs. They prevent our bodies from doing what they were made to do; cleanse, restore, revitalize, rejuvenate, rebuild and ward off infectious diseases and other invaders!

There are natural products for absolutely everything we need to keep us clean, soft, sanitized, smelling nice, looking good.... not even to mention clean every single area of our homes! All of these natural products are available for next to nothing as far as cost is concerned, and zero harmful effects on our beautiful bodies and beautiful planet!

We don't need to support all the chemical companies who have made countless billions from us any longer! We can use all that extra money for things we enjoy!

Spread the facts and save your and your family's health by making yourself more aware of what is being allowed to enter your bodies!

A Small Step To Bring About Great Change!

It is quite simple, really..
In the morning when you awaken, before your feet hit the floor, before you even take the covers off, lay there with your eyes closed for just a few minutes and think of all the wonderful things in your life that you are grateful for!
Some mornings you may wake up feeling groggy and tired, or just plain blah...these mornings it can be a little harder getting started, or sometimes your thoughts will try and take you away to the tasks that have to be undertaken in the hours to come, or words left unsaid from the day before, or the stack of unpaid bills on your desk... DON"T let them! Come back to that serene place where you can count your blessings in peace, remember you are in control of your thoughts, not the other way around!
These mornings you can really use the Law Of Attraction to your advantage. If you are not familiar with this law, it is a universal law that states simply, things that are alike are drawn together, this law applies to thoughts as well as everything else in the universe.
Start with a simple thought that comes easily, such as your walk in the front door after a long day's work and he bombards you with kisses and hugs, tail a-waggin'! He acts like he hasn't seen you in days and showers you with buckets full of unconditional love! You are so fortunate to have such a great friend!
The next thought could take you back to the day your first child was born, the smell of your baby, her soft skin and sweet face, the way she gripped your finger with her tiny delicate fingers, the way your heart melted when you held her against you for the first had never felt so much love and gratitude ever before in your life!
Now you're smiling!
The thoughts and feelings of gratitude should just come flooding into your mind now as the Law Of Attraction takes effect, bringing you grateful thought after grateful thought, leaving you feeling light and serene, blessed and blissful!
Keep your eyed closed for just a few more minutes, enjoying all of these lovely feelings!
NOW you open your eyes, throw the covers off, SPRING out of bed and start your day with anticipation and vigor!
Throughout the rest of day, you can purposely direct yourself back to gratitude as many times as it takes to train your mind to default back to good, happy thoughts.
When you wake up the following morning, repeat the thoughts of gratitude, and again throughout the day, and the next day, and the next...soon enough it will become habit to be a more positive and thankful person, looking at the circumstances of your life as blessings and opportunities!
As you continue to make this a part of your daily routine, you will notice that everything in your life just starts to fall into place as the Law Of Attraction works with your happiness, to line you up with happy events and happy people and happy things! Before you know it your life is a whirlwind of lovely serendipities and incredible circumstances!
And all it takes is a few minutes in the morning to affect an enormous change in your life!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Step By Step Guide To A Beautiful Day!

B- Be more than you were yesterday!

E- Eat up all life gives you!

A- Act from your guidance within!

U- Use your smile a lot!

T- Tell someone how they make you feel!

I- Initiate a conversation with a lost soul!

F- Feel gratitude for all your gifts!

U- Understand all darkness goes away when the light is on!

L- Love with all you are!

D- Dare to step outside of your comfort zone!

A- Ask for what you just may get it!

Y- Yes!!! Say yes to all that life offers you!!!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Create Your Own Happiness =•)

So here is a good way to set yourself up for good days...
First think of what your ideal day would consist of from beginning to end...
Write it down before you go to sleep at night, affirming in your mind that this is your intention...
When you wake the next morning read what you have written and follow it like a treasure map!
The treasure will be your sense of happiness and accomplishment at the end of the first day...
Then repeat every day for more peace of mind, happiness, confidence, and hope for all the days to come!
Take the reins and create your own happiness!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Where Will You Let Your Thoughts Take You Today??

Close your eyes for just a few minutes each morning and take a mini-vacation to any destination of your choosing!
Picture yourself laying on the beach in sunny Costa Rica... smell the ocean air, reach down and grab a handful of sand and let it slide between your fingers, hear the waves crashing upon the shore!
Or maybe you want to go skiing in the Alps... hear the wind whistling, see your best friend right beside you, feel the cold wind slapping your face as you traverse the rugged white terrain like a pro!
Or maybe your dream is to climb Mount Everest or go sky diving or white-water rafting or sip a latte in a Parisian cafe!
The only limits you have are the ones you place on yourself!
Instead of a mini-vacation, maybe you want to take a trip down memory lane to a time in your life when you can remember being the happiest!
Do you know that the brain does not discriminate between real circumstances and imagined ones?
The same chemicals are released during both!
Can you imagine how wonderful your whole day can be with an enormous dose of bliss first thing in the morning??
Go there in your mind and start your day off with feel-good happy chemical reactions and see how much of a difference it can make!
It's really up to you... Let your thoughts take you to an amazing day....

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Finding Your Way To You!

I am certain that, at one time or another, every single one of us struggles to find a place to land that feels just right. From infancy to the grave, this search is what drives us, day in and day out.
We are taught from the cradle that we need to rely on others for everything, from our food to shelter, love, comfort, and companionship. 
Of course in the formative years this is absolutely necessary, but what of the subsequent years... early childhood, adolescence, teen years, young adulthood and on through elderly years?
We are often taught that we are unreliable as individuals, that we are unable to have the capability to accomplish anything with as little as what we are born unto this earthly plane with. 
We are conditioned to believe that we must rely upon outside influences and sages to guide us to where we "should be" from parents to school teachers to clergy to elder members of our community.
What if each and every soul that is brought forth into this time space reality comes fully equipped with every thought ever thought, every bit of knowledge ever known, every query of every scientist that ever questioned every illusory interpretation of the known human senses?
What if, at any given moment in time, each of us could access any of this information if we could just take off the invisible blinders we have been wearing our whole lives, the blinders (in)advertently put into place by the ones who were supposed to be guiding us?
Some of the greatest inventors, scientists, authors, musicians, and entrepreneurs believed exactly this.
Some of them had no earthly idea of how they were infused with inspiration and information, and believed that they were being used as channels for creativity that came from somewhere other than their own thoughts and capabilities.
I believe as they did(do), that each and every soul in this plane of existence is born with access to divine knowledge, divine inspiration, and divine creative capabilities.
The stumbling block most of us face is, when each of us has a need for something that is missing in our lives, we are taught to look outside of ourselves for solace, for comfort, for information, for inspiration, for divine intervention. We look to teachers, religion, science, friends and family to find our truths and answers.
The simple truth is we need not look further than ourselves; all we need to do is look within.
Some ways to access our inner truth and guidance are simple and free... meditation, fasting, silence, kindness toward others, present-moment awareness, and taking care of  our bodies as they are our temples of worship.
Spend time in silence each day and really delve into who YOU are at the deepest levels, remove the blinders and clear away the cobwebs from the things in life that make YOU truly happy and fulfilled.
Start to rely on YOU to solve life's quandaries and conundrums,  YOU have access to all that is needed, there is no need to look elsewhere, YOU are creative, all-knowing, all-loving and most of all, DIVINE.
Let all the wisdom of eternity flow through you!
Fall in LOVE with YOU!