Monday, February 6, 2012

Where Will You Let Your Thoughts Take You Today??

Close your eyes for just a few minutes each morning and take a mini-vacation to any destination of your choosing!
Picture yourself laying on the beach in sunny Costa Rica... smell the ocean air, reach down and grab a handful of sand and let it slide between your fingers, hear the waves crashing upon the shore!
Or maybe you want to go skiing in the Alps... hear the wind whistling, see your best friend right beside you, feel the cold wind slapping your face as you traverse the rugged white terrain like a pro!
Or maybe your dream is to climb Mount Everest or go sky diving or white-water rafting or sip a latte in a Parisian cafe!
The only limits you have are the ones you place on yourself!
Instead of a mini-vacation, maybe you want to take a trip down memory lane to a time in your life when you can remember being the happiest!
Do you know that the brain does not discriminate between real circumstances and imagined ones?
The same chemicals are released during both!
Can you imagine how wonderful your whole day can be with an enormous dose of bliss first thing in the morning??
Go there in your mind and start your day off with feel-good happy chemical reactions and see how much of a difference it can make!
It's really up to you... Let your thoughts take you to an amazing day....

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