In the morning when you awaken, before your feet hit the floor, before you even take the covers off, lay there with your eyes closed for just a few minutes and think of all the wonderful things in your life that you are grateful for!
Some mornings you may wake up feeling groggy and tired, or just plain blah...these mornings it can be a little harder getting started, or sometimes your thoughts will try and take you away to the tasks that have to be undertaken in the hours to come, or words left unsaid from the day before, or the stack of unpaid bills on your desk... DON"T let them! Come back to that serene place where you can count your blessings in peace, remember you are in control of your thoughts, not the other way around!
These mornings you can really use the Law Of Attraction to your advantage. If you are not familiar with this law, it is a universal law that states simply, things that are alike are drawn together, this law applies to thoughts as well as everything else in the universe.
Start with a simple thought that comes easily, such as your walk in the front door after a long day's work and he bombards you with kisses and hugs, tail a-waggin'! He acts like he hasn't seen you in days and showers you with buckets full of unconditional love! You are so fortunate to have such a great friend!
The next thought could take you back to the day your first child was born, the smell of your baby, her soft skin and sweet face, the way she gripped your finger with her tiny delicate fingers, the way your heart melted when you held her against you for the first had never felt so much love and gratitude ever before in your life!
Now you're smiling!
The thoughts and feelings of gratitude should just come flooding into your mind now as the Law Of Attraction takes effect, bringing you grateful thought after grateful thought, leaving you feeling light and serene, blessed and blissful!
Keep your eyed closed for just a few more minutes, enjoying all of these lovely feelings!
NOW you open your eyes, throw the covers off, SPRING out of bed and start your day with anticipation and vigor!
Throughout the rest of day, you can purposely direct yourself back to gratitude as many times as it takes to train your mind to default back to good, happy thoughts.
When you wake up the following morning, repeat the thoughts of gratitude, and again throughout the day, and the next day, and the next...soon enough it will become habit to be a more positive and thankful person, looking at the circumstances of your life as blessings and opportunities!
As you continue to make this a part of your daily routine, you will notice that everything in your life just starts to fall into place as the Law Of Attraction works with your happiness, to line you up with happy events and happy people and happy things! Before you know it your life is a whirlwind of lovely serendipities and incredible circumstances!
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