This is an enormous Universe with all kinds of planets and space and stars and people and wildlife and insects and on and on...
So exactly how much can one single person affect this vast of a macrocosm??
Yes, that's correct!
One single solitary person can create waves of change and love and kindness enough to reverberate to the ends of the Universe and back!
"Remember there's no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end." - Scott Adams quotes from
I think that we all get lost in our day to day life and struggles that we forget how much we truly do impact ALL of the rest of this Universe...
How CAN one human being create a huge impact?
Plant seeds.
Plant seeds ALL over! Smile at a stranger, open the door for somebody at the grocery store, offer a hand to somebody struggling, hug somebody who feels like they are alone, say "Good Morning" to people you pass in the halls at work!
You never know how deep that seed will be planted and with just the right environment can GROW to epic proportions!
That person who you lend one of your smiles to this morning could be at the end of their rope and struggling with something that leaves them feeling hopeless... one simple smile can turn their hopelessness into something that feels a teeny bit better, until they smile at someone THEY pass, making them feel EVEN better, and so on...
It really doesn't take an act of a huge miracle to make a difference.
We are all linked and when one person is affected, so are we all.
It really excites me to think that someday soon, when I am in need of a pick-me-up, one of those seeds that I planted will have grown into a beautiful vine and it will reach back to me with a smile or a hug to remind me that life really is pretty nice :D
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