We as Women know what it's like to ride the wave of our fluctuating hormones!
✿ I have had some personal experience with all the above, even at such a young age.
Due to health issues, I had a complete hysterectomy at the age of 36!
For so many years, all I have wanted was relief from my hot flashes, night sweats, moodiness, dry skin, etc. so I turned to hormone replacement therapy... not the best option for a lot of reasons!
HRT is so dangerous on many levels, so here I am concocting my own remedies!
✿ A young woman contacted me through my Etsy shop a couple months ago to ask me if I offered a cream of some sort for natural relief of menopausal symptoms. I didn't have anything at the time, but started doing a lot of research on what herbs and oils could help this, and other women like me.
✿ What I found, is that Mother Nature knows what she is doing (well, duh) She gave us so many herbs and flowers and plants that can help ease our symptoms!
✿ These are the organic ingredients I decided to use:
♀ grapeseed oil- grapeseed extracts have procyanidolic oligomers (PCOs), antioxidant which are said to lower blood pressure, insomnia, and depression when taken orally. It makes a wonderful carrier oil as it is easily absorbed by the skin, high in vitamin e, linoleic acid, and is touted for its anti-aging, anti-inflammatory, and restorative qualities
♀ evening primrose oil- has been used for hundreds, if not thousands of years by Native Americans for anti-inflammatory conditions by making a poultice of the herb itself, Evening primrose oil is high in gamma linoleic acid, which is known for helping lessen the severity of hot flashes, mood swings, and restless sleep
♀ black cohosh (herb)- is currently available as a prescription in Germany for treatment of menopausal symptoms, in place of man-made drugs (it is available here in the US without, but the simple fact that the German government has THAT much faith in this natural remedy!!?? WOW)
♀ red clover (herb)- has been shown to reduce the frequency of hot flashes by about 30% with regular use, promoting more restful sleep. Red clover contains plant estrogens, which explains why it could be helpful during menopause, the time of life that our estrogen levels take a serious plunge
♀ dong quai (herb, also known as angelica root)- has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine as a treatment for women's hormonal symptoms due to its anti-inflammatory properties. It is said to be helpful with cramping, lethargy, and even abnormal menstruation cycles.
♀ eleuthero (herb, also known as Siberian Ginseng)- another herb used in traditional Chinese Medicine for many ailments, including menopausal symptoms such as moodiness, hot flashes, lack of sleep, it is also an herb prescribed in Germany for menstrual and menopausal maladies
(are you seeing a trend here???? Let's get on board with Traditional Chinese Medicine and Germany with their more natural treatments, and steer away from the man-made crap!)
♀ cypress essential oil- thought to be effective for treatment of hot flashes, mood swings, bloating, night sweats
♀ clary sage essential oil- used as a treatment for hot flashes, assists with estrogen stimulation, fights depression, helps with cramping
♀ peppermint essential oil- soothing and cooling sensations, relaxing, mood elevator, helps induce restful sleep
✿ Keep in mind that you should absolutely do your own research before attempting to make any herbal recipe or try anything that is listed here. I always do many hours of research before beginning to create these products that I offer. You should be aware of any drug interactions with the medicines that you currently take as well.
I placed the herbs and oils into a jar and let the warmth of the sun extract the healing properties from the beautiful herbs, infusing them into the oils. I then finished heat-infusion for about 12 hours on very low heat of the stove using a double-boiler
✿ After straining the plant matter (tiny fragments may remain), I can either distribute the oil in a 1 ounce amber dropper bottle as is, or make a salve using beeswax to be distributed in a tin, both options with the addition of the essential oils and a little vitamin e for natural preservation
✿ It would be my recommendation to use a small amount of the oil or the salve at the pulse points on the wrist or neck during times of need of symptom relief. Anything we put on our skin is absorbed as though we are ingesting it, so use small amounts at a time until a comfort level is reached. You could also use a few drops of the oil in your bath with some Epsom salts (candles, soft music, AHHHH bye-bye menopausal mania)
✿ I am not a medical professional, but a woman who has achieved great success in helping people all over the world to live a more natural, chemically-reduced existence. With this in mind, pay close attention to any allergies or sensitivities before ordering this, or any other Bee Blissful Beauty product.
✿ You can find this creation at the bottom of this page in our mini Etsy shop, or follow this link:
Just For Her ❥
If you have any questions, you can contact me below in the comments, or through a message in my Etsy shop Bee Blissful Beauty!