Saturday, September 29, 2012

Lip service

One of my favorite sayings is
"The scent of the rose lingers on the hand that casts it".
It gives me pause to think about everything I say before the words leave my lips.
Not only do the kind and loving words I  impart on others reflect how I feel about my own self, but also the ones that are sometimes a little angry or hurtful are as well.
We don't always address all the qualities of ourselves that we find less than perfect because society teaches us that we are supposed to glorify the wonderful traits we possess and hide the not-so-perfect ones.
Because of this we tend to push them to the back of our minds. 
Next time you find something about to leave your lips and land on someone's ears,
Take a moment to reflect on how those words are actual reflections of yourself.
If they are qualities you find admirable, rejoice in your loveliness and smile,
if they represent qualities you aren't so pleased with,
this is the perfect opportunity to make some little changes that please you;
again, rejoice in your loveliness and smile.
From your lips to your own ears...

Thursday, September 27, 2012


So I had to stop at the post office after work today...
While I was there I noticed a woman with two small children, a boy and a girl under the age of 10.
They were running around and playing with anything and everything they could locate with each and every one of their senses, using imagination and the present moment to create a playland inside a place adults go to conduct business...
The two of them laughed and giggled and enjoyed themselves thoroughly while the mother did what most do, she apologized profusely to the other patrons for her offsprings' "bad behavior".
I stood at the counter watching the little rugrats in pure amazement at their ability to turn this ordinary place of business into a wonder land; grinning ear to ear.
I made eye contact with the girl, smiling at her so that she could sense the little girl within me (most of them see it) and wished for an instant that I could trade places with her...
At that moment I realized what a wonderful, playful world this would be if we never lost sight of that ability to make the most of our surroundings, if we didn't have to succumb to rules and regulations taking away our curiosity and sense of adventure in the simple moments.
So next time you are in a public place with your own children, or happen upon some little munchkins at some "grown up" business and see them running around and giggling using our banks, and shopping malls, and all of our adult places and things as props in some imaginative scenario...
Ignore your initial reaction to get annoyed.
Take a moment to recall what it was like when you didn't care about rules and the only thing that absolutely had to be done was to have fun at every moment...
Run around in a little child's shoes for a few seconds and feel what true freedom is!
Imagine what this planet would be like if we all did....